New Valve Stop Running Toilets for Sure

Released on = April 10, 2007, 10:25 am

Press Release Author = H2O Guard, Inc.

Industry = Consumer Services

Press Release Summary = Patented valve stops running toilets immediately.

Press Release Body = April 10/Austin, TX/ A new patented valve stops running toilets
immediately. The valve measures the exact amount of water needed after each flush.
Once the tank is full the valve shuts off any additonal water. A leak is quickly
detected and stopped, says Robert Easter founder and CEO H20Guard, Inc.

Slow leaks often go unnoticed costing hundreds of dollars in water bills.
Catastrophic breaks in the toilet tank cause thousands of dollars in flood damage
each year. The Guard ® puts an end to water waste and damage. It flags a problem
with the toilet the first time a leak occurs. $34.95 available

"Leaky toilets deplete our water resources, put strains on water treatment plants
and boost our need for electricity to pump extra water. Leaks are costing
consumer's big money." says Easter.

The Guard's Fill-O-MeterT is a Universal Plumbing Code certified valve which
conserves water by using a pre-determined amount of water. Outdated valves measure
the level of water in the tank and will keep pumping anytime the level drops.

"The Fill-O-Meter valve is the most innovative plumbing product I've seen in 30
years. It's the technology of the future, that's available now, that will
positively impact our country's resources", says John Gasparini Jr., VP Sales and
Marketing for Mark's Plumbing Parts, a national Firm, based in Ft. Worth, Texas.

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) studies indicate toilets are
responsible for 26.8 % of all water used in the home.

"What's more alarming is a recent study by the New York City Conservation
Department of Environmental Protection pointed out the toilet is responsible for
over 80% of indoor leaks", says Easter

"A silent leaky toilet can waste up to 5,400 gallons per year. If a flapper in the
tank gets hung up the water loss jumps to 73,000 gallons. A majority of household
are not even aware of leaks and it is costing them big money every year. Most leaks
come from a flapper failure," says Easter.

H20 Guard: can be ordered by visiting the Web Site or toll
free 800-215-5961.

Web Site =

Contact Details = 4301 Burnet Rd Ste A
Austin TX 78756

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